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SINUO in Stockholm Fringe Festival 2024

SINUO (Lithuanian multidisciplinary artist Arnis Aleinikovas) concert at Stadsgårdsterminalen on August 26 will open the week-long contemporary art festival “Stockholm Fringe 2024”.

“Stockholm Fringe Festival” is the oldest and longest-running fringe festival in Scandinavia. It is part of Nordic Fringe Network and is a multidisciplinary arts platform for local and international artists to present their innovative work ranging from performance to installation art and anything in between. The festival stands for artistic freedom and focuses on out-of-the-box and alternative works.

In 2024, the Stockholm Fringe Festival will be the host of the World Fringe Congress 2024, together with “Finfringe” in Finland. This means that the festival will be visited by hundreds of festival directors and producers from around the world.

SINUO concert is presented in collaboration with the Lithuanian Cultural Attache in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, with the support from the Lithuanian Culture Institute.

Festival is presented with support from Swedish Arts Council (Kulturrådet), Region Stockholm, Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden) & The City of Stockholm Arts Department (Stockholm Stads Kulturförvaltning).

More information

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A short interview for "Plattensprung" radio Berlin on electronic music, performing arts, teaching and geopolitical situation is now available online.

Listen here


Video clip series for "Equilibrium"

The album "Equilibrium" is accompanied by a series of four music video clips. Directed by the Italian duo Maya Salvini, Justin Shabi and filmed by Lithuanian artist Dovilė Sadauskaitė, these music videos exploring the concept of balance universalised in humanity and highlighting four different stories of personal fights.

Watch online


SINUO in the biggest cultural festival in Berlin

From May 17th to 20th, for the 25th time, the Berlin Cultural Festival (Karneval der Kulturen) took place in Berlin. Since 1996, this festival, which gathers over a million people to the capital of Germany, has been organized - with its colorful procession, outdoor events, concerts, markets, exhibitions, and many other entertainments. It is the biggest cultural event in Berlin, where this year SINUO presented his conceptual electronic music.

Represented by one of Berlin's largest alternative music production companies and communities, "ORWO HAUS Berlin," SINUO held three performances at the Berlin Cultural Festival, where he presented the album "Jupiter's Monologues", "Directions," and his latest album "Equilibrium".

Read more - LRT, SWO


"The quiet of cicadas" premiere in Kaunas

The KTU Theatre Studio "44" performance "The Quiet of Cicadas" (directed by A.
Aleinikovas) is based on the play "Pornography" by British playwright Simon Stephens
(translated into Lithuanian by Aivaras Mockus). This play, with its fragmented narrative and
intense, often emotionally charged scenes, has not been staged in Lithuania until now.
The play explores the lives of several characters, each facing their own personal struggles and
challenges. Themes such as alienation, humanity, fear, choices, and the impact of major
events on the lives of ordinary people are touched upon. All these stories and characters are
connected by the approaching 7/7 bombings in London – a series of coordinated terrorist
attacks on the city's public transport system on July 7, 2005.



Video works in Berlin

On February 4th Arnis Aleinikovas’ video works were presented in “ORWO HAUS Berlin” contemporary art showcase.



The latest EP by SINUO, “L is not for” was completely unplanned, but life, more often than not, is hard to plan. The first single, which reached YouTube on June 25, begged to be continued, so this EP was born out of love, or more precisely, from what remains of it when you are left alone with that feeling.

This EP suggests to dive deeper into the friend zone experience, search for ways to let go of a person, where attraction is not mutual anymore or it never was and try to find a right state of mind to not blame yourself.




Performance "Restore" 

Partially documentary audiovisual performance "Restore" (Lith. "atkurti") – is about the search for oneself and the return to the true "Self." How much does the environment influence us and our identity? How much do we, influenced by our environment, unconsciously change and manipulate our identities, moving away from authenticity, uniqueness, and our true selves? The expectations and demands from the environment and ourselves build layers of walls that increasingly burden and pressure us. These walls become denser, expand, and imprison us to the point where we forget who we truly are. How much time and effort does it take for these walls to erode and disappear?

Using documentary video and audio recordings, as well as performance elements, the creators invite the audience to collectively analyze questions of human identity.

Director and visual projection solutions – Arnis Aleinikovas
Soundtrack – SINUO
Dramaturgy – Virginija Rimkaitė
Performance – Indrė Endriukaitė


New album "Equilibrium" by SINUO 

"Equilibrium" is now available on all digital music streaming platforms. This is the sixth digital album by SINUO and the second one this year. In just the first half of this year, over 20,000 listeners have streamed previously released tracks (on Spotify alone).

In the latest album, listeners will hear fragments of poetry and insights from philosophers about separation, silence, and confusion. For the first time, the texts will be in not only English and Lithuanian but also Italian.

Read more - LRT, SWO 

Listen online - SPOTIFY, YOUTUBE

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Video work "I'M OK" presentation in exhibition "Nūdiena" in Finland

The exhibition NŪDIENA was curated in collaboration by Vaida Tamoševičiūtė from Lithuania and the Finnish Performance Art Duo Kainulainen & Latva, presenting their work amongst the work of five other artists from Lithuania – Lukas Kolmogorcevas, Daina Pupkevičiūtė, Arnis Aleinikovas, Goda Žukauskaitė, Monika Dirsytė, and videographer Akvilė Matulaitytė.

NŪDIENA (Lithuanian) = “now”, “in the present”. The videos in the exhibition are recordings of live performances, of the vanishing moments in time that have turned into something “permanent” – as long as the video files and the devices that play them exist. NŪDIENA is a collection of present moments, captured by the eye of the camera. 

We crave to get deeper, to find ourselves, to confirm our identities, to wash away societal expectations and roles. We want to heal land, ourselves, get back safety and attachment, though NŪDIENA suggests the opposite effects of anxiety, fear and total destruction within people, landscapes and territories. When the earth squeals and aches under our feet, we try to stay present and reflect in action, what touches, moves and changes us from inside out.



Video work "On waiting" premiere in Finland

On the 17 February Arnis Aleinikovas’ video work “On Waiting” was selected and presented in a film and visual arts festival “Heart Attack” (curated by Josef Ka.) in “Sauna Gallery” in Helsinki.

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SINUO EP "Directions"

SINUO presents his fifth digital album "Directions". A slightly different sound, motifs of Lithuanian traditional songs, melodic, to a certain extent nostalgic, consists of more laughter and, of course, as the album title indicates, directions. Those individuals we choose to follow or create ourselves.

Listen online - SPOTIFY, YOUTUBE

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